2007/07/24 | 展UV专业工具免费下载
类别(软件杂烩) | 评论(1) | 阅读(359) | 发表于 16:52

Headus UVLayout v1.20.2 (展UV专业工具)

HEADUS_UV_LAYOUT可对3维模型作实体几何分析,对起分解成树个曲面,再对曲面进行平面展开.Headus UVLayout是一款专门用来拆UV专用的软体

Headus UVLayout 是一个基于物理算法,将3D物体展开,用户利用缝合切割功能,创建低Poly或SUBD表面的工具,支持倒入其他几何模型进行编辑。

Headus UVLayout

UVLayout uses a dynamics based algorithm to flatten 3D geometry, along seams cut by the user, creating low distortion UVs for Poly or SUBD surfaces. It also supports the importing of geometry with existing UVs so they can be reflattened into these low distortion layouts. Originally developed as part of CySlice, UVLayout can now be run stand-alone, usable by anyone wanting to create UVs.

下载地址: 免费下载     解压密码:[http://www.9iv.com/](红色部分)

Headus UVLayout

